fate line starting from mount of moon

If your fate line starts from the Mount of Moon (located on the base of the palm, little finger side), it shows that you could get success owing to your good interpersonal relationship and creative talent. If the hill is not very pronounced, such a person is not able to make important decisions and takes the initiative. the Fate will be more eventful, changeable, and largely depending on the fancy and caprice of other people. If it cuts the base of the second finger - The same cause will bring about ill fortune. Let’s see different types of fate lines that can be found on the person’s hand. My horoscope is aries tell me what is going on. The person rises to the position of power and fame as he or she keeps on getting the support and love from public,family members and particularly from the opposite sex. • Rising from the Line of Life indicates that the family have a great deal of influence at the start of life, and there may be restrictions and hardship. The strongest evidence of "fatality" in one's hand. A fate line starting at the Mount of Moon shows people (or public) based profession of their choosing. Triangle on the mount of moon also represents successful foreign travels where the person will earn name and wealth during those travels. and if the fate line starting from Venus mount it represent that the person will earn huge income with little effort and he usually will have independent life. Mount of Saturn is much rayed :: Insane morbidity. (10.3). Any Triangle, up-facing line from fate line will bring riches in that particular age but the downwards line will bring misfortune. If the Destiny Line or Fate Line climbs from your wrist (1-1) and ascends straight to the middle of your palm to the Mount of Saturn then the Line of Sun (4-4) may be observed well marked, brilliance, luck and victory may present the Fate. If your fate line starts from the mount of Venus, it is associated with some inherited money; it is a fortunate sign indeed. 1. The same indication with the first and third fingers of good length and coni-calty tipped - The gift of intuition, especially if the Line starts from the base of the Mount of the Moon. Line of Fame,Luck And Wealth-Sun Line Known As Apollo Line In Palmistry, Excellent Money Lines And Lucky Wealth Signs In Your Hands?-Part 2, I have a V orY on top of my fate line going right into Mount Saturn I also have a trident at th end of heart line and fate line combine together! On the Mount of Jupiter two stars and two crosses. If the Line of Fate be itself straight but with a line running in and joining it from t… Often found on entertainers and actors. Starting from the Line of Head with low Mounts of Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury - Dull intellect. I have repeatedly met this fork low down in the hand in cases where there had been divorce or separation between the parents of the subject, resulting in a law suit for the possession of the child. If there are two fate lines, one starts at the mount of moon and ends at head line, other line starts from life line and ends at heart line, then the second line will be more effective. More information If fate line arises from the mount of moon , as shown in the figure, then the person will earn money depending on other's help. 3)Trident on the mount of Moon Trident on the mount of moon represents the person will be highly successful in getting the help from the opposite sex. Thanks for your help, I have trident sign on lower mars and dhamaruk sign on upper mars star sign on plane of mars. • A Line of Fate starting at the wrist and running straight up the palm, onto the Mount of Saturn indicates success and luck, providing the Line of Sun is also present. Notice that from the Mount of Venus come the influences of our own people, parents, husband or wife, lover or mistress, and from the Mount of the Moon the influences of outsiders, not yet fully entered into our lives. (10.2). I have a joined fish and triangle on saturn mount. A drooping Line of Head. To choose between these two readings the student must follow the infallible and never-to-be-neglected rule repeatedly laid down in tin's book and which tells him to try and discern, through a close study of the Chirogno-mic Indications and by the examination of the Chief Lines what is the physical and moral nature of the subject. Rare Signs In Palmistry And Brilliant Luck On Your Hands? If the fate line starts from Moon mount and reaches the mount of Mars (the region under the little finger and between heart & head line) so opposite sex will help the native to become successful in life. It also makes the person romantic in nature. This line starts from the bracelet or the mount of moon and reaches the regions of Mercury in the farm of a bow. RISING FROM THE … Fate Line starting from Mount of Moon If the Fate Line starts from Mount of Moon and there is horizontal line on the Mount of Moon, it indicates earnings in a foreign land. Very shortly afterwards - before the death of that first lover - she married another man of fortune and Family. This line is considered as a positive sign in palmistry because it is a support line for the line of fate. I…. Otherwise, this fork will bring about disaster. A drooping Line of Head. Double fate line. Starting from the Line of Head in both hands and with no bars rutting it - Success in middle life, from about 35 on. Poor Lines And Poverty Signs In Your Hands?-Palmistry. this type of line will make the native a person with restless mind, their decisions are not stable, changing all the time. The Y also can be this y because it still connects to the fate line down to to the heart line right into the trident sign, My fateline starts from Mount Luna.forms some thin wavy as it goes towards the middle finger but then it suddenly branches towards the forefinger. In such cases it would be fatal to jump at a conclusion simply by reading the Line of Fate. This section is from the book "The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes", by C. de Saint-Germain. It may indicate the point at which marraige will take place. If it penetrates into the third phalanx of the second finger - Painful, troubled life. That person will have an improved skill set in art and craft. So what does it say about me? But if this small lines cuts fate line in the end, it indicates that the bearer will lose money in the old age. Line of Fate starts from Moon and ending at Heart Line :: Extravagance and disappointment in love. Also available from Amazon: The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes. If a line from Mount of Mars goes parallel with Fate line up to Mount of Saturn, it indicates that bearer is wealthy and brave.People having this kind of palm lines earn money from two or more sources. the 2nd finger the longest finger. At 32 a Line of Influence from the Mount of Venus cutting an upward branch of the Line of Life and ending under the Mount of Mercury at the end of the Line of Heart. Fate line should be judged carefully while looking for indications of wealth on a palm. Line of Fate starting from the lower Mount of the Moon and broken at 32. In addition,it also indicates bad health of the person might take a toll on one’s career which has to be cross-checked with the health line. Fate line reflects about the important events in the person’s life which might bring a change with respect to one’s career,job change or promotions.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'funchannelpalmistry_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',103,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'funchannelpalmistry_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',103,'0','1'])); It starts from different locations on the palm and accordingly interpretations changes. A good Line of the Sun islanded all through the Quad-rangle. A. Starling from inside the Triangle - Energy. This is someone who can be in the public eye. Enemy Lines In Palmistry And Sudden Loss Of Money, Many Lines On Hand And Unsuccessful Signs In Palmistry, Business Money Lines And Excellent Success In Your Hands?-Palmistry, Most Lucky Loops And Money Signs In Your Hands?-Palmistry, Luckless Signs, Money Loss And Passion Line In Palmistry. Cross On Left And Right Side Of Fate Line Sometimes you will find cross on fate line or side by side of fate line. Mount of moon located on the left side and Mount of Venus is located on the right side of fate line on the right hand. [Fig 11] -Storting from inside the Quadrangle - Great difficulties in middle life; sometimes (but rarely) a prognostic of imprisonment. The person goes abroad and stays there for a considerable period earning a good amount of money. Fate line starting/ending at a specific mount. and proceeding clear and uinterrupted to the Mount of Saturn, but not cutting the base of the second finger - Singular happiness in love; success due to the interest, love or caprice of the opposite sex. Please I would love to know. Tejas Gadagkar. Coming across from Mount of Moon there is often few romantic moments in the union. IV. ... Top of the line of the Hill of the moon. If the fate line is cut by horizontal lines(position 1) denotes obstructions in the career due to one’s relatives,family members or friends. Starting from the Mount of the Moon. On the Mount of Jupiter two stars and two crosses. Starting from the Line of Life - Stic-cess due to the subject's own efforts, but with a fair start from his own people. If it starts from the mount of the Moon, it indicates success related to your creativity and … 4. When it starts from Life Line or from inside of the Life Line, one will receive constant support from family members or relatives. Forked quite widely at the start with one prong into the Mount of Venus and the other into the Mount of the Moon (in that case the Line starts at about 18 or 20 years old) - Struggle for success incited by some great love but handicapped by a wild imagination, If the Line is good and long - Everything will come out well. Best Signs In Palmistry And Super Powerful Signs On Your Hands? If the fate line breaks as shown suggests that the person will go through a tough time with regards to one’s job or directionless career. "A lady had a long love affair with a prom-inent man; it ended in separation at 32. The absence of these three Mounts, which represent the three different kinds of intellectual developments, idealistic, artistic and scientific explains this readme. Starting from below the third bracelet of the Rascette - Some intense grief threatening the subject. It may indicate a travel or voyage which will influence the destiny. Saturn's hill is located below the middle finger. and its interpretation Fate Line starting from the rascette terminating over the Line of Heart in a bad hand :: Heart Disease. Also in a bad hand confirming the symptoms - Heart disease. Your email address will not be published. Some of them persons' fate line is start from Moon mount and some person's fate line starts from wrist corner. Line of Apollo - Sun Line may rise from the line of life, or from the line of fate, or from the plain of Mars, or even from the mount of Moon, or the line of head, and, or from the line of heart, or it may only appear as a small line on its own mount. Hence it is also known as Saturn Line in palmistry. One of my client has no travel line but his Moon mount is visible and pink color, his whole palm is soft and has square hand, he traveled more than 30 countries. In chiromancy is responsible for career and all that is connected with work and money. It is strongly convex hill Moon in Palmistry means at human existents creative imagination. 3. A good Line of the Sun islanded all through the Quad-rangle. Sun line’s presense gives a boost to the existing fate line. At the end of the fate line parallel lines are attracted towards the Jupiter mount denotes ambitions and leadership qualities of the person have increased over the period of time which will bring lots of success and wealth in one’s life.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'funchannelpalmistry_com-leader-1','ezslot_15',108,'0','0'])); Hence it is also known as ladder of success. As we saw (page 112), these horizontal lines by themselves are already to be read thus. ), it foretells a happy and prosperous marriage, but one in which idealism, romance, and some fortunate circumstances play their role, and one which results more from the caprice or fancy of the person of the other sex. If the fate line starting from mount of moon it represent that the person will have support from other especially from life partner. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Small lines descending from the line of life towards Mount of Moon represents Travel to foreign lands. It is considered as an excellent type of fate line. Depending upon the direction of the branch towards the mount,success and money will come with the help of qualities associated with that particular mount. Rising from the center of the hand upward - Our destiny has really been shaped by ourselves without much helpful, or baneful, influence from insiders or outsiders. For example,in this case one branch from the fate line goes to the mercury mount and another branch towards the Jupiter mount denotes the person will earn huge amount of wealth because of one’s communication and business skills during that particular age.In the latter case, there are high chances of the person getting promoted in his or her job. If fate line starts from Mount of Ketu or starts from base of palm then indicates early responsibilities due to family problems and childhood setback, earning/career starts from 20/21. Starting straight from the first bracelet of the Rascette and penetrating into the third phalanx of the second finger - An extraordinary destiny; whether for good or evil the other signs in the hands will tell. If the Fate Line starts from Mount of Moon, and there is a horizontal line on the Mount of Moon; it indicates earnings in or from a foreign country. What is Line of Moon or Luna Line on Palm? It is considered as an excellent type of fate line. First of all, the line which you are talking about which starts from the mount of moon will be considered as your fate line itself rather than sun line. A strong sun line will always compensate for a weak or non existent fate line. Termination And Forks At The Termination. If this line observes in your palm then you may meet with your partner away from your home or when you may in the travel. In this case, break appears during the peak of one’s career at the age of around 26 to 35 where the person will struggle to find the right kind of job or career which might lead to constant frustrations. Fate line known as the line of Saturn, which starts at the wrist and goes up to the middle finger. If the fate line is wavy as shown represents an unstable career because of volatile nature and frequent changes in the thinking process of the person.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'funchannelpalmistry_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',107,'0','0'])); For example,in this case the person started off one’s career with lots of ambition as the fate line is inclined toward the Jupiter mount,suddenly the person wanted to pursue the career in the creative field as the fate line shifts its direction towards the Sun mount and so on,making it difficult to excel and succeed in any field per se. He will get two sources of income throughout his life and lottery favors him. Starting from the Line of Head and coming up in a curve to the Mount of Saturn - Laborious life. If the fate line ends in a ladder like formation as shown indicates the person will rise to the highest position of power through his or her own efforts. Fate line also called the Saturn line may start at various locations but it does point towards the Saturn mount i.e. Astro - fate 40,951 views 12:47 जाने कितनी होगी आपकी उमर जीवन रेखा से, Life line on palm - Duration: 7:50. Running close to the Line of Life for a while, hut distinct from it - The subject's life is influenced by relatives, for the period during which the Line is so close to the Line of Life, said period measured and dated on the Line of Fate. Starting from the Mount of the Moon and terminating at the Line of Heart - Happiness destroyed by extravagance or disappointment in love; also heart troubles. The Fate Line can begin from the middle of the palm or even from the Luna area (at the bottom of the palm below the little finger) and if this is the case it means the subconscious mind is strong. It might be due to the loss of interest in one’s job or the person might have taken a very bad decision related to his or her career. Every wavy or curved line indicates some inherited (or acquired) weakness and the ill-luck that is its natural consequences. Rising from the Mount of the Moon (3-3, Plate XI.) Feb 16, 2019 - The article explains different love marriage indications like cross on the Jupiter mount, V shape etc. (10.3.1). If such a line be found joining the Line of Heart (1-1, Plate XII. They achieve success due to their appealing and charming qualities. what does that indicate? Islands In Palmistry-Extremely Bad And Unlucky Sign In Your Hands? 3. Starting inside the Mount of Venus - The family of the subject ruled his career. This line indicates the ability of intuition. If that line goes further to the middle part of the middle finger, then the person will be one of the top rich men in the world! It is often found in the hands of celebrities,musicians,artists or anyone who is involved in the public domain. (10.1). Willi the Mounts of Jupiter and Venus developed - A spirit of benevolence becoming the prime mover in the subject's life work. The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes, The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes, The Line Of Fate. Rising branches from the fate line are always considered as a fortunate sign.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'funchannelpalmistry_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',122,'0','0'])); It indicates promotions,good opportunities or the person will earn huge amount of wealth at that particular age. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'funchannelpalmistry_com-box-3','ezslot_10',102,'0','0']));Fate line known as destiny line or job line generally starts from the bottom of the palm and goes all the way towards the Saturn mount. Fate Line is also called the Saturn line, money line, luck line, destiny line, possessions line Saturn mount is for money, possessions and wealth. May 5, 2017 - If fate line arises from the mount of moon , as shown in the figure, then the person will earn money depending on other's help. Similarly,the influence lines from the mount of Venus cutting the fate line without merging with any of the major lines(position 2)indicates worries and constant troubles caused by someone close to the person.It can be a member in the office,family member or even spouse.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'funchannelpalmistry_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_13',123,'0','0'])); If the fate line ends at the head line denotes although the person had a fantastic career right from the start, it ended abruptly at the age of around 35. (Fig 9) If in both hands - Favoraole opportunities coming to the subject through hard work and intelligent planning. The most crucial part of the reading is where the line starts. A person will be extremely lucky when he has two fate lines on the palm where one starts from the mount of moon, crossing the head line and they end at the heart line. "A lady had a long love affair with a prom-inent man; it ended in separation at 32. Early Success In Palmistry Or Late Success In Your Life? It is perhaps the only indication in the hand which the will-power of the subject seems incapable to triumph Over. Both my palms line up and are almost identical. Every upward line entering into the finger at its termination becomes an abnormal line and consequently has all its otherwise favorable indications annulled. If Lifeline divides into two, where one line continues to run towards Mount of Venus & other migrates towards Mount of Moon, the person not only travels but also migrates to a Foreign land. However,if the fate line breaks and continues without any defects denotes he or she managed to overcome the obstacles. Watch the video on Luckless signs and money loss, i dont have a prominent x where listed but am a psychic,medium.but,it does apply that the x is a psychic…, I have a cross in the middle of both palms. The sun or apollo line is the sister line to fate line. Line of Fate starting from the lower Mount of the Moon and broken at 32. The value of the lines on the mount Moon. The island of guilty intrigue lasts as long as the first man lived, although legally there was no wrongdoing in the case; but Unions in Palmistry have a broader meaning than in taw.". According to the art of palmistry this line is considered very important on a person's palm. Starting from the first bracelet of the Rascette and ending at the Line of Heart - Serious love troubles all through life. Hence you may expect excessive good fortune. The point at which the line from mount of moon touches the fate line, is the point where the person will get support from someone. The details may be received observing the Line of Influence to the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate. If the fate line starts from the mount of moon and goes all the way towards the Saturn mount as shown indicates that the person’s fate is a lot more dependent on the help and support from others. Forked at the start - Influence of a non-relative; if the line started low down in the hand - Often the sign of adoption in early life, especially if one prong goes deep into the- Mount of Venus. Starting from the first bracelet of the Rascette - Early responsibilities laid on the shoulders of the subject relating either to self or others. The people with such a line always have a faithful helpmate. If the fate line starts from the mount of moon and goes all the way towards the Saturn mount as shown indicates that the person’s fate is a lot more dependent on the help and support from others. Starting from the Mount of the Moon with many horizontal lines crossing the Percussion of the Mount - Coontinual voyages. Book `` the Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes Hands? -Palmistry life ; (. For career and all that is its natural consequences line of the Mount of Moon there is few! Connected with work and money found on the Mount of Moon and broken 32. 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